Transformation Design lädt ein zum Workshop von CASA mit Tima Rabbat &Isabel Palacios-Macedo

Am 24.11.2023 laden wir euch ein zu dem Workshop zum Thema #ClimateEmergis: anastrophic design for a planet in crisis — Ein partizipativer Workshop in Collective Intelligence mit mit Isabel Palacios-Macedo Aguilar und Tima Rabbat.

Isabel Palacios-Macedo is a Research Architect with the Climate Emergency Software Alliance in London. As an architect and a writer, she is committed to elaborating moments of intersection between spatial and linguistic meaning. Isabel explores the power exercised by human beings over their environments and her work supports communities and ecosystems to reclaim territories and repair relations. She completed a BArch at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México with a Diploma al Mérito, and an MA in Environmental Architecture at the Royal College of Art.

Tima Rabbat is a Research Architect with the Climate Emergency Software Alliance in London. As a spatial practitioner and architectural researcher, her work focuses on ecological networks and mutual dependencies; she is especially interested in the politics of territory, ownership, and protection within changing environments. Tima completed a BArch Honors at the American University of Beirut, and an MA in Environmental Architecture at the Royal College of Art in London. She has also worked professionally as an architect in Oslo and Rotterdam on a series of socially-centered projects. 

Shigetaka Kurita, NTT DOCOMO. Emoji (original set of 176). 1998–99. Software and digital image files. Gift of NTT DOCOMO Inc., Japan

Über den Workshop: 

A catastrophe is the past coming apart; an anastrophe is the future coming together. By considering and designing for and among the trajectories and tendencies of the climate emergency and its myriad effects, this workshop will be organized as an exercise in anastrophic design. To this end, three key themes anchor the activities for event: 

1)  The climate emergency disproportionately affects the Global South, where residents who have contributed the least to causing the crisis; the Climate Emergency Software Alliance is committed to creating meaningful access to infrastructure and services in proportion to need and without barriers, especially focusing on the empowerment of women and girls through open source software and related technologies. 

2)  In our digital age, with over 6.3 billion smart phones currently in use around the world, communication exceeds both written and spoken languages; emojis have become a universal language for conveying emotions, ideas, and concerns. With the creation of “Climate Emergis,” CESA seeks to transform the way the world communicates the urgencies and contingencies of the climate emergency. 

3)  Crowdsourcing, crowdlogistics, and crowdfinancing are all reshaping climate adaptation outcomes, especially through open source software as infrastructure for collective action in the Global South. CESA is a pathbreaking international organization stewarding the use of open source tools for climate adaption in anticipation of rapidly increasing climate challenges worldwide. CESA has envisioned a set of “Climate Emergis” tailored to represent and report 
various facets of climate change. These symbols, once approved by Unicode and released via updates on every smart phone across the globe, will offer people a simple yet powerful tool to share, report, and cooperate to address urgent environmental challenges. 

The primary aim of the workshop is to engage the creativity of participants in a unique design charette to conceptualize and refine the visual representation of “climate emergis.” This collaborative endeavor will be supplemented by a preliminary presentation from CESA’s Research Architects, who will articulate the pressing need for a collective intelligence approach to climate adaptation and investment in infrastructure to enable collective action. Participants will not only participate in the design of this universal symbology for climate adaptation, but also learn how the Alliance are repurposing existing systems for climate justice.

Wann? Am 24.11.2023 um 14:00-17:00 Uhr

Wo? HBK Braunschweig/ White Cube 18/021

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen,

euer Transformation Design Team

Visualisierung: Natalia Dill
Credits zum Bild: Shigetaka Kurita, NTT DOCOMO. Emoji (original set of 176). 1998–99. Software and digital image files. Gift of NTT DOCOMO Inc., Japan

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