Transformation Design lädt ein: Ela Spalding

Wir im Masterstudiengang Transformation Design freuen uns darauf, euch zur Präsentation von Ela Spalding zum Thema „Where the quetzal feather falls is also your backyard“ einzuladen.

Where the quetzal feather falls is also your backyard

Abstract: In this lecture-performance the artist~facilitator, Ela Spalding, will walk us through her journey in the fields where art and ecology intersect; a path of slow activism and radical interconnectedness that weaves together art-making with multidisciplinary and intergenerational collaboration across sectors and borders. From the cloud forest in Panama, into a decade of musings and moulding with soil and science; with stories, hands, sons and songs; mycelial networks and hopes to build a nature-culture corridor. From the micro to the macrocosm, what does solidarity across the globe look like? If the planet is our garden, how can we tend to all of its corners? You’re invited to engage with a practice of finding (by all the means possible) ways to offer time and space for reflection and action towards a better human-nature relationship at this very delicate moment of life on Earth.

Ela Spalding

(Panama, 1982) is an artist~facilitator exploring the ecotones between fields of knowledge, using art as a conduit to practice and convey expanded notions of ecology and interconnectedness. Her work facilitates time and space for people to connect with themselves, others and their ecosystems through gestures or recognisable devices for physical, as well as mental and emotional engagement. She uses sound, music, images and words among other tools to invite reflection and action; listening and resonance within and without. As founder and director of Estudio Nuboso – a platform for art and ecology based in the highly biodiverse, tropical land called Panama – she’s currently writing the Suelo Methodology Field Guide for people to (re)connect with the places we inhabit, while building a nature-culture corridor of solidarity beyond borders. Her artworks have been shown at the XIII Bienal de La Habana, Cuba (2019); the X Bienal Centroamericana in Costa Rica (2016); the Bienal de Artes Visuales del Istmo Centroamericano (Bavic9) in Guatemala (2014); and in group exhibitions in Panama, Central and South America, and Europe. She is currently based in Berlin with her partner and two kids.

Wann? Am 05.12.2023 um 19:00 Uhr

Wo? HBK Braunschweig/ White Cube 18/021

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen,

euer Transformation Design Team

Visualisierung Vorschaubild: Natalia Dill
Credits zum Bild: Ela Spalding

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