Transformation Design lädt ein: Alexandre Costa Barbosa

Hallo Liebe alle,

wir, der Master Transformation Design freuen uns, euch zu der ersten Veranstaltung im Wintersemester in unserer Vortragsreihe einzuladen.

Unser erster Gast wird Alexandre Costa Barbosa sein, mit dem Thema „Building digital sovereignty from below: policy, politics, and action“ 

Im Rahmen des Vortrags wird Alexandre Costa Barbosa nicht nur fachliche Einblicke in das Thema geben, sondern auch seine persönliche aktivistische Seite vorstellen. Alexandre spricht über seine Arbeit bei Homeless Workers Movement’s Technology sector (Núcleo de Tecnologia do MTST) sowie darüber, was diese Arbeit mit den Veränderungen der Digitalisierungspolitik in Brasilien zu tun hat.

Two concepts have gained evidence in political discourses and academia in recent years: digital sovereignty and digital public infrastructures (DPI). As practices and discourses, digital sovereignty has been manifested by demands for greater control by the State and people over digital infrastructures in a digital and data colonialism scenario. However, „infrastructure“ is a broad term encompassing all physical and technical elements required for operations. Public digital infrastructures (PDI) would be a specific part of the infrastructure focusing on digital elements that fulfill a public function. Developing and maintaining these infrastructures requires a critical debate around their design. This lecture will provide an overall understanding of the agendas and imaginaries behind digital sovereignty claims in a nutshell, introduce the ongoing discussions around digital public infrastructures from a geographical approach, and promote a debate around the design of DPI, considering elements from intersectional and decolonial design.

Wann? Am 21.11.2023 um 19:00 Uhr

Wo? HBK Braunschweig/ White Cube 18/021

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen,

euer Transformation Design Team

Visualisierung: Natalia Dill
Credits zum Bild: Natalia Dill

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