New Experimental Research in Design / NERD

Conference at Braunschweig University of Art (HBK),
Johannes Selenka Platz 1, 38118 Braunschweig, Germany,
15 & 16 June 2017


Design has long expressed and established itself as an independent research competence – a fact that also companies, institutions and politicians have come to acknowledge. What is still needed, however, is a stronger public platform for design to confidently reflect upon this process and to establish and communicate the specific dimension of design research.

For this reason, BIRD, the Board of International Research in Design for the eponymous design research book series published by Birkhäuser, has developed and set up the New Experimental Research in Design/NERD conference.

The conference will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of an impressive and diverse range of new intelligent and experimental approaches in design research.

Young design researchers from, for example, South Africa, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, the US and the UK will be presenting important and insightful examples of innovative design research, putting their contributions up for discussion: an event promising to be most inspiring and give rise to further debate and action.

The conference is open to everyone working in, or with an interest in, design, to representatives from universities, companies and other interested parties, who are invited to actively contribute to the discussions. Attendance is free of charge.

To confirm your place, please register at:


Day 1, 15 June 2017

Session Moderator: Marc Pfaff (BIRD)

10:30 Registration

11:00 Welcome address by Vanessa Ohlraun, President of Braunschweig University of Art

11:15 Welcome address by Dr. Ulrich Schmidt (Birkhäuser)

11:20 Introduction by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jonas and Prof. Dr. Michael Erlhoff

12:00 Dr. Rael Futerman, University of Cape Town, South Africa: “Leveraging Tensions and Contradictions within and between Activity Systems as Points for Design Intervention”

12:25 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Sajith Gopinath, National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabat, India: “Leveraging Design in the Confluence of Playfulness, Ageing and Social Transformation”

14:25 Discussion

14:50 Max Pietro Hoffmann, Cologne, Germany: “Means of Digital Images”

15:15 Discussion

15:40 Melanie Levick-Parkin, Sheffield Institute of Arts, UK: “Radical Mundanity – How Feminist Inquiry and Creative Practice can Unbind us from the Ontological Entrapment of Contemporary Design Epistemology”

16:05 Discussion

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Irmi Wachendorff, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany: “Social Positioning Through Scriptural Variation in Linguistic Landscapes”

17:25 Discussion

17:50 Otto Paans, Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany: “Exploration by Spatial Design: Investigating the Complex Problem of Urban Sustainability Through Architectural Design Practices”

18:15 Discussion

Day 2, 16 June 2017

Session Moderator: Michelle Christensen (BIRD)

10:00 Laura Popplow, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria: “Co-Making. Design Participation in Transformation? An Experimental-Programmatic and Discourse Research”

10:25 Discussion

10:50 Susanne Ritzmann, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Germany: “Don’t Take Out the Trash: Research Through Conceptual Designs in Design Education”

11:15 Discussion

11:40 Sören Rosenbak, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden: “Pataphysics as an Experimental Perspective to Understand Design”

12:05 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Helga Schmid, Royal College of Art (RCA), London, UK: “Uchronia – Time at the Intersection of Design, Chronosociology and Chronobiology”

13:55 Discussion

14:20 Kakee Scott, Carnegie Mellon School of Design / Parsons, USA: “Design and Economic Imagination”

14:45 Discussion

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Shintaro Miyazaki & Susanna Hertrich, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW / FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basle, Switzerland: “Synthesizing Historical Contextualization, Fictional World-Designing and Media Experimentation. An Ongoing Case Study”

16:10 Discussion

16:45 Closing discussion

17:15 End

Comments (1)

  1. […] und Umgangsweisen in und mit Designforschung präsentiert und diskutiert. In einem umfangerichen Programm werden junge internationale DesignforscherInnen ihre aufschlussreichen Beiträge zur Designforschung […]

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