Make Transformation Tangible

Eindrücke von der Exkursion zur „By Design or by Disaster“ Konferenz Bozen

Well, when you wear Transformation Design glasses, all things look weird and at the same time fun which makes you sit in a train for nine hours from Brunswick to Bolzano for just an excursion. It’s crazy, I know right! We’d got the chance to see there are more crazy people like us who actually care!

We had a few days to fill our sacks with some knowledge and enjoy each other’s company. We heard about lots of different topics around making transformation tangible – among others Van Bo Le-Mentzel talking about tiny houses in urban public spaces, Matteo Moretti about how visual journalism can lead to a more informed society and Open State giving a valuable insight into their own organizational practices with all its challenges.

It was a great opportunity to exchange information, upgrade knowledge, participate in groups and discuss about world’s issues from other angles.
Some of us traveled further up the Italian mountains to the „Hier & Da“ Festival in Schluderns. We found ourselves in between farmers, designers and villagers, who see a sustainable way of living not as a project but as their everyday life. We enjoyed not only the talks but also a „herbs walk“ through the cultivated landscape of Obervinschgau. Filled with new perspectives and early spring sun our trip back home spun by just as the five days we spent on two different but equally inspiring places.

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