Gemma Copeland: Design’s Agency

In her (Skype-)talk, Gemma Copeland is going to talk about her practice as a digital designer, her experience working within traditional design studios and the two collectives she is now part of: Common Knowledge and Evening Class.

Common Knowledge is a not-for-profit worker cooperative that works directly with grassroots activists to design digital tools that make radical change possible.
Evening Class is a self-organised learning group and design collective in which members collaboratively develop research around common interests, write texts, host events, run workshops, work on design projects and support one another.

Gemma will talk about the agency that designers have in building alternatives, enabling resistance and cultivating solidarity. She will also talk about some of the different tools, structures and processes that she has learnt about and found useful in her work.

27. November, 18:30 Uhr
Gebäude 18/ Zeichensaal

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